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Company Information and Legal Notice according to MedienG (Media Law) and ECG (E-Commerce Law)

Owner, publisher and service provider:

Meinl Internet Commerce GmbH
Julius Meinl Gasse 3-7
1160 Vienna
Austria, Europe


Contact information:

Tel: +43 1 48860 0


Commercial information:

Company Registration: FN 184851s
Court of Registration: Handelsgericht Wien (Commercial Court of Vienna)
Vienna Chamber of Commerce
TAX ID: ATU 4763 5509
UK VAT ID: 153063731

Editorial policy:

This website is the intellectual property of the Meinl Internet Commerce GmbH, Vienna, Austria.


Terms of use

Links to this website are accepted, if designed as external links in an individual browser window. It is illegal to use the main frame of the Meinl Internet Commerce GmbH website in a third party frame. If Meinl Internet Commerce GmbH has linked to a website containing illegal content, the link will be removed upon getting knowledge of this fact.

It is illegal to download or otherwise use for your own or commercial purposes, texts, images, graphics or other intellectual property of the Julius Meinl Group.It is further illegal to publish content on our website that violates the law or contains libelous, malicious or improper content. Meinl Internet Commerce GmbH monitors and removes third party content that infringes the law.


Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy. Subject to the law proprietary information is never provided to non-related third parties; any information you share with us is held with the utmost care. The Meinl Internet Commerce GmbH does not sell, rent or loan any information with others.