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Nicaragua Maragogype AA++

Atelier - Nicaragua Maragogype AA

Atelier coffee

Atelier - Guatemala Top Antigua

Atelier - Brazil Yellow Bourbon

Atelier - Brazil Yellow Bourbon
Availability: In stock
About Julius Meinl Atelier Collection hand crafted coffees, from Vienna: When you purchase Atelier Collection hand crafted coffees, you have the choice of receiving the coffee as green (not roasted) or roasted coffee. If you choose roasted coffee, we will freshly roast your choice on demand. Please note that during the roasting process the coffee will lose about 20% of its green coffee weight. For example, if you buy 400g of Julius Meinl Atelier Collection hand crafted coffee and choose Roasted, you will receive approximately 320g of roasted coffee. About this specialty coffee: This Yellow Bourbon from Brazil is something very special: The ripe coffee cherries are not red but yellow, similar to ripe yellow or green tomatoes. Yellow Bourbon coffee originated from an island in the Indian Ocean (previous name: Île Bourbon; today: Reunion; between Madagascar and Mauritius). This coffee is genetically a different plant: Its taste is neither Arabica nor Robusta, but comparable with a very fine Arabica with an unusual additional sensation. Bourbon coffee trees carry 25% fewer coffee berries than Arabica varieties. Coffee connoisseurs believe this lower density berry crop leads to a more concentrated taste in the coffee bean. The coffee beans are lovely in color, the blend smooth in taste and aroma. This coffee’s taste is considered unique: It is often compared to a fine liqueur, with an added splash of energizing acidity.