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To make Ice Tea use 15g of tea, put tea into a pot and add 500 ml of boiling water. Steep (Green and black tea: 5 min, fruit infusion: 8 min). Stir from time to time. Pour tea over a filter or kitchen sieve into large jar. Add one liter of cold water. Enjoy pure or add a syrup, juice, fruit pieces. Serve on ice.
ISLAND BREEZE - Ice Tea Cocktail recipe (2 glasses)
260 ml JM "Exotic Mango Strawberry"
260 mg crushed ice
80 ml pineapple juice
75 ml coconut cream
25 ml white rum
10 ml dark rum
Place the crushed ice into a blender. Add tea, white and dark rum and pineapple juice. Then add coconut cream and blend until you have a smooth, uniform mixture. Garnish and serve with ice cubes.