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Espresso Delizioso Biodegradable 10x5.6g Nespresso®

JM Coffee Container - empty 250g

JM Coffee Container - empty 250g

Atelier - Costa Rica Tarrazu

Atelier - Costa Rica Tarrazu
Availability: In stock
About Julius Meinl Atelier Collection hand crafted coffees, from Vienna: When you purchase Atelier Collection hand crafted coffees, you have the choice of either receiving the coffee as green (not roasted) or roasted coffee. If you choose roasted coffee, we will freshly roast your choice on demand. Please note that during roasting process the coffee will lose about 20% of its green coffee weight. For example, if you buy 400g of Julius Meinl Atelier Collection hand crafted coffee and choose roasted, you will receive approximately 320g of roasted coffee. About this specialty coffee: This Costa Rican specialty coffee is 100% Arabica and has a flowery, slight citrus like taste. It is perfect for French Press and creates good harmony in the cup.